A thanks to James over at Grognardia for reminding me of the different paths that Star Wars could have travelled. The image above comes from the Art of Star Wars. Some of the pre-concept art shows a slightly different visual path that the movie could have taken. I don't doubt the final version of the film is better for having a more realistic look to it. The dirty used look of the spacships and the blaster props built on real guns made it look more realistic and appeal to a larger audience.
But what if it hadn't gone that way. What if the look was more say Swashbuklely*? Harness and spandex clad heroes wielding lightsabers in swordfights with shield carrying stormtroopers. How cool would that be? Then an evil thought entered my brain. What about roleplaying it? Use a fantasy roleplaying game for a no-blasters-everyone-gets-lightsabers style of action.
-insert evil laugh-
* the author makes no claims as to the validity of the word or its spelling